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St. Patrick's Primary School, Pennyburn, Derry City

Primary 3

Welcome to the Primary three year group.  This year we have Mrs Comey in room 9, Mrs Cullen in room 10, Miss McCormick in room 11 and Mrs Quinn in room 12.


Maths in Primary 3

Dear Parents,

Please find a list of the areas in Maths your child will cover in Primary 3:

  • Exploration of numbers 1-20, 50 and 100 
    • Number before/after/inbetween
    • More/Less
    • Odd/Even
    • Number Stories 1-20 (the facts to add and subtract to make each number)
    • Teen numbers (10+1=11, 10+2=12......)
    • Counting forwards and backwards in 2's, 5's and 10's
    • Doubles of multiples of 10 within 100 (20+20=40...)
  • Addition and Subtraction within 100
    • Place Value (adding tens and units)
    • Addition and Subtraction patterns (9+1=10, 1+9=10, 10-1=9, 10-9=1)
    • Addition and subtraction without bridging the ten (24+2=, 54+5=, 37-4=, 78- 6=....) using 100 square
    • Addition and subtraction with bridging the ten (43+8=, 72+15=, 68-9=, 42-13=...) using 100 square
    • Adding 10, 9 and 11 to numbers using the 100 square
    • Use shortcuts on the number square +/-10, +/-20, +/-30 quickly
    • Language of addition and subtraction (plus, more, increase, minus, decrease....)
    • Rounding to the nearest 10
    • 2x, 5x and 10x multiplication tables
  • Money
    • Identify coins 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p and £1.00
    • Count and make amounts within £1.00
    • Add amounts to £1.00 to find total cost
    • Change from £1.00
  • Shape
    • Identify 2D and 3D Shapes
    • Properties of each shape (how many sides and corners)
  • Measure
    • Time - Identify analogue and digital times (o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to times)
    • Time problems
    • Sequencing days of week and months of the year
    • Number of days in each month
    • Measuring heights in centimetres (record and compare)
  • Data Handling
    • Construct and Interpret Carroll Diagrams, Pictograms and Bar Charts


31st Jan 2025
Congratulations to these P3 stars, who received Student of the Month certificates...
15th Nov 2024
Well done to these P3 students who received Student of the Month Certificates for...
20th Oct 2024
Congratulations to these P3 students who received Student of the Month Certificates...




Help the hedgehog
Speed reading
Telling time multiple choice
Take the quiz!

P3 Comprehension 23/03/20
Treasury Book A

Primary 3 Spellings
Week beginning
23rd March 2020
ixl Maths
Numeracy and
Literacy games

nrich maths
Maths Games
BBC Bitesize
Maths games

Top Marks
Numeracy and
Literacy games