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St. Patrick's Primary School, Pennyburn, Derry City


2021/2022 School Year

27th Oct 2021
The boys and girls looked brilliant today and had super fun running around the playground...
27th Oct 2021
Primary 3 rooms 11 and 12 enjoying some Spooky fun at their Halloween party today...
27th Oct 2021
Primary 3 room 11 and 12 enjoying some spooky fun at our Halloween Party 🎃
21st Oct 2021
Boys and girls, mums and dads check out the top P6 and P7 Accelerated Readers...
20th Oct 2021
Dear Parents, I am writing to update you on our supervision arrangements for...
20th Oct 2021
Dear Parents, I am writing to inform you that we are going to trial a new...
20th Oct 2021
Dear Parents, After what has been a very busy half term, I’m sure that...
18th Oct 2021
Attendance Matters: Reporting an Absence Dear Parents It is important...
18th Oct 2021
Congratulations to the children in P. 3 ,Room 11 who received certificates for Student...
15th Oct 2021
Congratulations to the P3 children in rooms 9 and 10 receiving their September Student...