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St. Patrick's Primary School, Pennyburn, Derry City
School will be closed for our mid-term break Monday 10th to Friday 14th February 2025. We will reopen on Monday 17th February 2025
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Attendance Matters: Reporting an Absence

6th Feb 2023

Dear Parents

It is important that children attend school on a regular basis and that they maintain a good pattern of attendance throughout their school career. It is also important that if your child is sick, he/she must stay at home. The Education Authority and Department of Education oversee our attendance records and it is a statutory requirement that we account for all absences. Therefore, if your child is absent, we would ask that you let us know the reason for his/her absence. You may do this in many ways.

· You can report your child’s absence on our school website under Report Absence.

· You can send a note to school with your child.

· You can phone the school office and report the absence to Eileen/ Gemma.


If we do not receive a reason for absence, your child’s teacher will send a note home asking for this. If we still do not receive a reason, we will contact you by phone.

School starts at 8.45am. If your child is Late for school (before 9.15am), the Code L will be recorded. If your child is Late After Registration (after 9.15am), the Code U will be recorded. Code U affects your child’s attendance.

If your child’s attendance falls below 85%, the Education Welfare Officer (EWO) may become involved. The EWO for St. Patrick’s is Miss Patricia McLaughlin. I meet with her once a month to discuss attendance.

I have attached School Attendance Matters: A Parent’s Guide from the Department of Education for your information.


Many thanks in anticipation of your support.

Mrs Marie McSheffrey

Vice Principal