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St. Patrick's Primary School, Pennyburn, Derry City
Children will finish at 11:30 on Friday 20th December 2024 for their Christmas holidays and will return to school on Monday 6th January 2025
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October 2024 December 2024
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Fri 1

Sat 2

Sun 3

Mon 4

Tue 5
Chinese Lessons for P5s
P4 Skills School Club (2:45-3:45)
Children from Room 32 to play a football match at The Bay Road
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Wed 6
Final ‘Wizard of Me’ for Rooms 29 and 32
Cross Country Team Race in Thornhill. Good luck boys and girls
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Dance Club (2:45-3:45 big hall)
P5 Athletics Club  (2:45-3:45 small hall)
P4 Homework Club room 19 and P7 Homework Club room 21   (2:45-3:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Thu 7
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Gardening Club (2:45-3:45 Room 18)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Fri 8
Mrs McCusker’s class to Studio 2 for ‘Our Space Your Place Too Project’
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
200 Club Draw (Please continue to support this draw to help raise vital school funds)
Week 7 200 Club Winners - 1st Prize £100 Carragh McCaughey P4, 2nd Prize £50 Aydn Sala Edgar P6, 3rd Prize £25 Jessica Zammitt. Congratulations!
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Sat 9

Sun 10
Do This in Memory Mass at 9:45am in St. Patrick’s Church. Mrs McCusker’s class will lead the Mass. (All P4s are invited to this DTIM mass.)
Mon 11
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Ryan McBride football for P6 during the school day
Ryan McBride P6 After School Football
Anti-bullying Week starts today
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Tue 12
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Hurling lessons for those classes which have P.E
Children and adults are invited to wear ODD SOCKS for Anti-Bullying Week
Annual Diwali Workshops for P4 classes.
Chinese Lessons for P5s
P3 Skills School Club (2:15-3:15)
P7 girls to play a football match at the Bay Road.
Primary Movement for Primary 2
Mrs McCusker's Class to visit Shantallow Library
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P4/5 After School Ceili Club  (2:45-3:45 in big hall)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Wed 13
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Dance Club (2:45-3:45 big hall)
P5 Athletics Club  (2:45-3:45 small hall)
P4 Homework Club room 19 and P7 Homework Club room 21   (2:45-3:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Thu 14
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Nurses to administer Flu Vaccine to children who were absent.
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Gardening Club (2:45-3:45 Room 18)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Fri 15
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
200 Club Draw (Please continue to support this draw to help raise vital school funds)
Mrs McCusker’s class to Studio 2 for ‘Our Space Your Place Too Project’.
Week Eight - 200 Club winners. 1st prize, Raychael Nash Room 30, 2nd prize, Bobby Morrison Room 8 and 3rd prize Noah Crawford Room 10. Congratulations.
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Sat 16
First SEAG Entrance Test. Good luck to the children sitting the test on Saturday. 
Sun 17
P1 children have been invited to attend the 9:45am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church.
Mon 18
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Ryan McBride football for P6 during the school day
P2 Primary Movement Programme with Mrs Quinn (2:15-2:45)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Tue 19
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Hurling lessons for those classes which have P.E
P1 Storytelling for Emotional Wellbeing delivered by Samantha from VERBAL
Chinese Lessons for P5s
Mrs J McLaughlin's Class to visit Shantallow Library
P2 Primary Movement Programme with Mrs Quinn (2:15-2:45)
Linguistic Phonics Information Session for P2 parents (1:45 in the Big Hall)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P3 Skills School Club (2:15-2:45)
P4/5 After School Ceili Club  (2:45-3:45 in big hall)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Wed 20
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
YES Project for the P6 year group in Shantallow Community Centre
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Dance Club (2:45-3:45 big hall)
P5 Athletics Club  (2:45-3:45 small hall)
P4 Homework Club room 19 and P7 Homework Club room 21   (2:45-3:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Thu 21
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
P2 Storytelling for Emotional Wellbeing delivered by Samantha from VERBAL
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Gardening Club (2:45-3:45 Room 18)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Fri 22
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
200 Club Draw (Please continue to support this draw to help raise vital school funds)
Mrs McCusker’s class to Studio 2 for ‘Our Space Your Place Too Project’.
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Sat 23
Second SEAG Entrance Test. Good luck to the children sitting the test on Saturday. 
Sun 24

Mon 25
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Ryan McBride football for P6 during the school day
P7 Boys to St. Joseph’s Minecraft event.
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P2 Primary Movement Programme with Mrs Quinn. (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Tue 26
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
P1 Storytelling for Emotional Wellbeing delivered by Samantha from VERBAL
Chinese Lessons for P5s
Mrs MacFarland’s class to visit Shantallow Library.
P4/5 Ceili Club (Big Hall 2:45-3:45)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P3 Skills School Club (2:15-2:45)
P2 Primary Movement Programme with Mrs Quinn. (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Wed 27
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
Miss McCormick’s Class Assembly (Big Hall at 9:30)
P7 Pupils to St. Brigid’s College for Taster Sessions
 P5 Athletics Club (Small Hall 2:45-3:45)
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Dance Club (2:45-3:45 big hall)
P4 Homework Club (Room 19 2:45-3:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Thu 28
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
P2 Storytelling for Emotional Wellbeing delivered by Samantha from VERBAL.
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
P6 Gardening Club (2:45-3:45 Room 18)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Fri 29
P1 & P2 Early Morning Drop Off at 8:15am in Room 5 (Parents please sign up for this before leaving children off)
200 Club Draw (Please continue to support this draw to help raise vital school funds)
Mrs McCusker’s class to Studio 2 for ‘Our Space Your Place Too Project’.
P7 Girls to Christmas Workshops in St. Cecilia’s College
Mrs Gibbons’ Class Assembly. (Big Hall at 9:30)
School Council Meeting
Week 10 200 Club Winners: 1st Prize Bernadette McLaughlin c/o Ruairi Carlin P5, 2nd Prize Daniel Moynihan P6, 3rd Prize Aoibhi Norrby P3. Congratulations!
Brothers & Sisters Club (2:15-2:45)
Breakfast Club  (8:15-8:45)
Sat 30